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Contrary to popular opinion you don’t have to spend a million bucks OR do something you HATE to market your business.

(Oh yeah. you heard me right!)

Get ready to challenge traditional marketing assumptions about what it takes to market your business. This 101 mini-course is designed to give you a rock-solid foundation for making the right marketing decisions for you with total confidence.

I’m ready! Sign me up.


Mini-Course Signup

Create your account and get instant access to the Marketing on a Shoestring mini-course.

Join Now – Marketing on a Shoestring
This will be your username and how we contact you throughout the mini-course.
Do you already have a YouMayeCreate account?
Do you have a website?

In this FREE mini-course you’ll…

  • Lay the foundation of creating the right messaging to connect with your potential customer and prime them to buy.
  • Unlock the 4 part framework for making confident, budget conscious marketing decisions so you can stop second guessing and get clear on a path forward.
  • Discover the highest converting tactics for new marketers so you don’t have to waste time on strategies that will never reach your goals.

Who is this workshop for?

If you find yourself nodding along to any of the following, make the most of this opportunity!


“I’m new to marketing and excited to get started, I just need a good shove in the right direction.”

YOu’re excited!

Your enthusiasm is going to serve you well in your new marketing role, now let’s back it up with the thought processes you need to put it into action!

“I can’t do everything. 
What should I be doing?
Does social media even matter?”

You want clarity!

If social media weren’t mandatory would that make you feel more confident about marketing your business? Get ready to figure out if that’s a reality that will work for you.



“I’m not sure if I have the money to market my business. Can I make it if I don’t?”

You need flexibility!

You’re going to need something to bring in business but it might be easier than you think. Learn how you can leverage what you have to get more of what you need…possibly without doing anything you’d call “marketing” at all.

“Marketers keep calling me and I have no idea which ideas are the right ones for me to invest in!”

You want growth!

Oh friend, I hear you. Do you put that ad in the highschool football program, start a radio campaign or run online ads? Leave this mini-course with the parameters you need to say yes or no with confidence.


What people are saying…


Untitled Design (2)

Video and audio with a downloadable workbook and slide deck. We also have bi-weekly Q&A/Brainstorming sessions!

Yup. Send Monica an email anytime with question’s and she’ll field them as fast as her fingers will fly!

Two weeks. And really, I’m only holding you to a deadline so you actually do it! Otherwise, if you’re like me, you’ll sign up, get distracted and never end up making it a priority.

The video/audio content will take about an hour and a half or so to get through. It’s broken into smaller chunks so you can learn at your own pace. The time to complete the extra-credit workbook exercises varies from person to person (but future you will thank you for doing the work and documenting what you learn!!)

Yup. Pinkie swear, if you don’t believe me just sign up, no credit cards, nothing. Just create your user and get your learn on!

Well, honestly, I’ve been teaching this same content for free for years at my local women’s business center and online to nonprofits around the world. 

When we started our Better than DIY Website Program my students who were new business owners said they felt under prepared to build their websites because they wished they had more marketing background coming into the website building process…and since I already had the presentation…it just seemed like the right thing to do.

Maybe you’ll go on to want more in depth paid training from us or contact us to build your website…or maybe you won’t. But either way you’ll need to know all this awesome sauce first.

You’ll have laid the groundwork to make the decisions within your marketing plan. But this mini-course doesn’t take you through making a plan step-by-step. It does, however, include a marketing plan template that you can use to get started!

If you’re trying to revamp your marketing and need ideas to market on a budget or are doubting your marketing decisions, this mini-course may be just what you need to get your head on straight and take those next steps to get your business out here.

If you have an existing marketing plan in place and you’re rockin’ it, then not so much. Unless you just want a new perspective, then come on in!

That depends. Sometimes I go to things like this just to hear another perspective and get a fresh framework to incorporate into my own. If that’s you, then come on in!  

But if you’re just enrolling to be a troll because I don’t think exactly like you then you should probably save us both the heartache and go on your merry way.

Monica's Map Dress

I’ll be your guide to marketing on a shoestring.

(I even have the map dress to prove it!)

My favorite pastime is thrifting…

(For those of you who don’t know what that is, I spend my free time in second hand stores rooting through other people’s junk to find my new treasure.)

I think it’s because I love a challenge. I love to find a deal and make something old into something new and maybe even better.

Over the past 18 years we’ve re-invented ourselves time and time again at MayeCreate. As we grew, as our version of success changed and the internet morphed into what we expect today.

And through it all, I’m still just a thrift store loving, coupon yielding human looking for a deal. 

I approach marketing the same way. Using what I have and recycling it into what I need to build my business. And I know you want that too.

This mini-course isn’t going to turn you into a pro-expert marketer. But it will make you look at what you have and how you can use it to get more of what you need to grow your business.

Because even if you don’t know it yet, you my friend are rich. You have everything you need to take your business to the next level.

And you deserve it. You just don’t know where to look.

So here’s the deal, I’m going to tell you the same thing I tell my kids when they’re trying to make a decision – be nice to you.

And if taking control and taking the next step towards getting the marketing you need to grow your business sounds like a good investment of your time then this mini-course is for you.

I can’t wait to see you there!
