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& Consulting Package

My goal is to create a supportive environment for nonprofit organizations to collaborate and create an attainable, less stressful, more successful marketing plan.

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This workshop & consulting combo will guide you through creating a plan to outline WHAT you need to do or learn, WHERE to invest your time and provide resources to help you figure out HOW you’ll get it done. 

  • Set marketing goals
  • Decide which marketing activities are right for your team, your organization and your audience
  • Set the frequency of your marketing activities
  • Create your content calendar for the year
  • Work with peers to find new content ideas
  • Personal plan review with me to ensure it’s both attainable and a mix of the right activities to promote your organization

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We have a passion for helping nonprofits.

Need to get started on your marketing plan right now?

Nonprofit Marketing Plan Template

Create your marketing plan with confidence.

Learn the Whats, Whens, Wheres, Whys and Hows you’ll need to confidently map out your organization’s marketing plan.